Friends of the 1620s House & Garden
The Friends Group was formed in 1998 to support Leicestershire County Council in running and developing the site and delivering a programme of events and activities to ensure that this fabulous place remains open to the public.
Follow them on Instagram here.
The Friends run a Jacobean Craft day on the second Saturday of every month within the open season and help the site by organising fundraising book and plant stalls on site throughout the year.
Through their modest subscription fee and fundraising activities, the Friends make a significant financial contribution towards development of the gardens, including purchasing new plants and trees and the materials for the plant labels and other garden features.
The Friends also contribute time and funds towards special projects, such as the redevelopment of the site into the 1620s House and Garden and a beautiful oak Gazebo structure for the herb garden to celebrate their 20th Anniversary.
Members receive a newsletter three times a year and free entry into the site on normal open days. Members are also invited to occasional social gatherings and it is hoped to organise trips to local historical sites in the future.
The Friends have generously offered free membership to all house, garden and event volunteers who work at the site and also host several social events throughout the year which allow heritage staff, volunteers and Friends to share their joint passion and knowledge in a less formal way.
The Friends Committee is always looking for active volunteers to help on the committee itself and at fundraising events on and off site. The Committee is particularly keen to have members willing to help with promotion through social media and have now started using Instagram to share their work. #1620sfriends
If you are interested in supporting this lovely house and garden, please consider joining the Friends and lend a hand if you can.
To find out more information about the Friends and how to join, please email us and we will pass on your enquiry to the Friends.