How long should I allow for my visit?

We anticipate you will need around 45 – 70  minutes to enjoy the house and plenty of time to enjoy the gardens.  

Once you have visited the house you are welcome to stay up to an hour in the gardens and tea room (when open), which can accommodate more people and will allow you to maintain social distance from other customers should you wish to.

Can I turn up on the day and buy a ticket?

Yes you can.

Can I go into the house at any time?

Yes you can. with your season ticket

Are dogs allowed on site?

Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome but only assistant dogs are permitted in the buildings. All dog owners need ensure they clear up after their dogs and dispose in labelled waste dog bins located in the car park.

Are group rates available?

If you are wanting to bring a group of 10 or more to the site please ring us to discuss requirements.

Are your customer toilet facilities open?

Yes, our customer toilet facilities are open for use. 

Are you keeping social distancing?

Some of the rooms in the house are quite small, so we would ask you to try be considerate of other customers, volunteers and staff at all times.

Will I be able to touch the objects in the house?

 Yes, you are welcome to touch objects. Sanitisation stations are available at key locations in the house, including the stair cases, should you not have your own hand sanitiser. 

I cannot get up the steep stairs, what facilities are there to show me what is on the first floor?

Visitors who cannot climb the stairs to the first floor will be shown how to use a sanitised digital tablet, which contains a series of short films about each upstairs room and also shows photos of the house before redevelopment. This will be sanitised again after use. Visitors can be issued a sanitised stylus to use this.

Will there be catering facilities available?

Yes the Old Barn Tea Room is open for business 11am – 4pm

Do I need to wear a face covering?

Current Government restrictions no longer make the wearing of face coverings mandatory, therefore it is optional whether you wish to wear a mask or visor when inside the small rooms of the house.  

 Will you be undertaking additional cleaning of the public spaces?

As well as our normal programme of keeping the house clean, additional sanitisation of key areas such as interactive elements, handrails and seats will be undertaken before opening and after closing.

What if I need first aid, or there is an emergency?

We have revised our procedures and are following guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment.  Our Front of House staff are aware of these new procedures and will issue appropriate instructions to visitors if required.

Can I visit if I have been in contact with someone with suspected symptoms of Covid-19, or have the symptoms myself?

In line with Government advice you should not visit if you believe you may have come into contact with someone with suspected symptoms of Covid-19, or you believe you have the symptoms yourself.  You should stay at home and isolate yourself, seeking advice from the Government & NHS websites / NHS 111 service.

What should I do if I develop symptoms within 14 days of my visit?

Please follow the most updated advice on the Government & NHS websites / NHS 111 service.

  • Leicestershire County Council
  • The National Forest
  • Accredited Museum
  • Visit England
  • Tripadvisor
  • LPL Awards Highly Commended 2017
  • Food Hygiene
  • Autism East Midlands
  • Heritage Awards 2017