Site supervisors and your welcome team
Members of our County Council site team will welcome you when you first arrive. This team makes sure everything runs smoothly including taking enquiries and looking after health and safety.

House volunteers
Our team of house volunteers love to share their wide knowledge about the house and its 700-year history with visitors. They can take you on a full guided tour, or just answer any questions you may have, or guide you to the interpretation sheet in the rooms.
Their enthusiasm really brings the House to life. Some of the team wear period costume to give that extra feel of the past.

Garden volunteers
The garden team are all volunteers, and they develop, manage, and interpret the beautiful gardens throughout the year.
This includes sourcing the correct plants for the early 17th century, creating and redeveloping the plant beds, as well as ongoing weeding, and watering.
They also work together with the County Council Ranger Team to tackle bigger jobs too. For example, trimming back the many trees on site and gathering substantial amounts of greenery each December for use as festive decorations.

Old Barn Tearoom staff and volunteers
The Tearoom team serve great value and high quality food for our daily visitors and hiring parties, as well as putting on amazing events and family-friendly activities.

Event volunteers
Our event volunteers give valuable support to the Heritage Events Team who, along with the Tearoom team, and the Friends of the 1620s House & Garden, put on over 60 events and activities over the year at the site.

The Friends of the 1620s House & Garden
The Friends have been supporting the site in many ways since 1998. Their Jacobean Craft Group meets monthly to show visitors some of the needlework crafts of the period.