Garden volunteer team
These energetic and knowledgeable volunteers research, develop, manage and maintain the 17th century style gardens. The garden team also offer garden tours to visitors. We are recruiting now for this role.

House interpretation volunteer team
These knowledgeable and friendly volunteers offer tours around the House to visitors. By pointing out the key architectural features, protective marks and key objects they bring the House to life, as well as aspects of its very long history. We are recruiting now for next season.

Event volunteer team
These volunteers support the busy year-long programme of events. The role involves meeting and greeting the public attending talks, fairs, concerts and other events here. Volunteers can also get actively involved in children’s craft sessions and adult workshops. We are recruiting now for future events.

Tearoom support volunteer team
Our volunteers help in the popular Old Barn Tea Room during busy times and special events by welcoming customers, setting up the refreshments area, as well as assisting our catering team when we have events.

Publicity volunteer team
Publicity volunteers help by taking out our publicity leaflets to houses, shops, and public buildings, keeping local residents aware of our latest events.
- Publicity role description
The Friends of the1620s House and Garden

The Friends are a self-contained group, set up 25 years ago to support the site and its activities.
They provide invaluable support to the garden and events programme. While their plant, book and leaflet sales raise funds and add to the enjoyment of a visit.
Amongst many other things, the Friends paid for the wooden arbour in the herb garden and created the wooden timeline showing inhabitants of the House.

The Friends Jacobean Craft group meets monthly to demonstrate some of the needlecrafts of the time and are currently working on a set of authentic costumes for the period.
They are also the driving force behind the popular and important ‘Friends Welcome’ programme, which provides a warm welcome to local people seeking companionship.
Members of the Friends can access the site free of charge (normal event uplift applies).
All site volunteers are invited to become members of the Friends for free.